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World Record

As part of BBC Music Day in 2017, in partnership with Bradford Music and Arts, nearly 1000 school children gathered in City Park Bradford to set a new Guinness World Record for the most people playing Bamboo Tamboo together.

The day was a huge success, but of course an event of this size doesn't just happen without a huge amount of planning, organisation and preparation.

Over the previous few months each school that took part had to be visited and the Children taught the rhythms that we would be playing. Each school had to have enough equipment to be able to practice.

Then, on the day, there had to be independent adjudicators to count the number of participants in order for the Word Record to be varified.

All of which was organised by the amazing Debbie Bellwood at Bradford Music and Arts. Without whose countless hours of dedication this attempt could never have taken place.

But none of this would have been possible without the participation of nearly 1000 very excited children.


Head of Bradford Music and Arts Tony Johnson and me holding the Official Guinness World Record Certificate.


A couple of photos of the view from the stage.


Bamboo Tamboo Ltd

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